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Allergy Kit

Allergy Kit

Regular price $79.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $79.00 USD
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Easton's go-to, natural products for optimum nasal health! Here's what you get: 

ALL CLEAR - Mast cells, when triggered, can release a storm of histamine, leading to a cascade of symptoms. Unlike traditional antihistamines, ALL CLEAR works to stabilize those cells and prevent the release of histamine in the first place. 

NeilMed Sinus Rinse Starter Kit - Avoid the systemic effects of oral allergy meds and attack symptoms locally. Always use a non-tap water source. TIP: Use warm water and squeeze gently. 

NeilMed Xylitol Premixed Packets - Sinus rinses traditionally incorporate saline packets, but xylitol, a natural antibacterial, is included here. Hate sinus infections, right? Why not create an environment where it's difficult for pathogens to set up shop? 

Alkalol Nasal Wash - This old-school blend of natural ingredients, including menthol, gives an invigorating twist to sinus rinses. Expect to experience soothing relief from congestion, mucus relief and clean nasal passages. 

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